
Συγχαρητήρια: To Jacci & Milton!

Jacci and Milton met through a common friend and dated for five lovely years. So when Milton proposed at an exquisite top floor restaurant in the Shangri La Hotel, Hong  Kong at the end of a holiday in Thailand; it  was an incredible surprise for Jacci –  one that set them on a glorious journey to find the perfect spot that encapsulated their love.

Now I’m sure you know, Cape Town is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, for in this picturesque city you can feast your eyes on towering mountains, the glistening ocean or both at the same time! And so, a bespoke winery in this beautiful destination, became the chosen spot for Jacci and Milton to celebrate their undying love for each other.

A perfect old Greek cathedral (Milton is Greek Orthodox) in Woodstock was where Jacci and Milton elected to have their ceremony; celebrating with a host of their out of town guests on a splendid wine estate.

Since Jacci was incredibly passionate about interiors, a zeal that stemmed from running her own interior design firm in Johannesburg, she was exacting about the venue and the look and feel of the colors, food, music and flowers etc.  and wanted something very elegant and simple, yet simultaneously unique to both Milton and her.

Stepping in, the marvelous Otto de Jager, of Otto de Jager Events rose to the occasion and delivered an exquisite celebration for this couple replete with special gestures and personalization, making it an amazing experience that they will always cherish.

Howard  Green
Groot  Constantia
Wedding Planner:
Otto de Jager, Otto de Jager Events