Since its launch in 1931, Swiss medi-spa Clinique La Prairie has garnered many loyalists from around the world. Some for its picturesque setting off the shores of Lake Geneva, and some for the its cutting-edge technology and wellness offerings that secured a top spot for the retreat in world ranking. We speak to the Spa Whisperer at this exclusive beauty sanctuary, Nigel Franklyn, to know more about the rising need for brides-to-be to rejuvenate, tone up and de-stress before their big day, away from all the chaos.
Why is a getaway wellness retreat ideal for brides-to-be?
Wellness Retreats focus heavily on creating environments that reduce stress and create focus and balance. Planning a wedding, no matter the assistance or budget, is an incredibly stressful time, and as the global awareness of wellness benefits increase, so does the interest from people going through all sorts of stressful situations. We are finding a huge increase in brides-to-be retreats, and also in bachelorette retreats. Perhaps this has something to do with the added stress and expectations of modern life in general. Creating holistic balance and wellness before the biggest day of your life has not only become more widely desired, but also more important.
When should a bride/groom-to-be schedule a master cleanse pre-wedding?
Our liver is responsible for detoxing the body, and when it is not working properly, we will never look and feel our best. To keep our vital organs safe, toxins are stored in our fat cells, and our liver is essentially a fat burning organ. So, if its function is slowed down by alcohol, refined sugar, caffeine, etc…it is much harder for it to burn fat, and toxins never leave our system. This is why it is important to detox regularly, not only before important events.
I would suggest giving yourself a two week break from anything that might slow down your liver function before your wedding, but ideally you should start before that. Our Master Detox Program is a great way to kick-start your pre-wedding detox-regiment, so starting one or two months before would be ideal. Starting your detox program sooner rather than later will make sure you achieve ultimate physical and mental clarity, and will give you the energy and focus you need to prepare for your wedding, and enjoy your day fully.
How should they incorporate the program into their lives after leaving the retreat?
Holistic wellness has become a vital component in modern, high-performance living, and Clinique La Prairie has adapted its programs to fit the increase in interest and expectations perfectly! People are looking to retreats as a source of balance and mindfulness that can carry them far beyond their stay. Education and inspiration are vital components of any retreat, so guests should leave feeling inspired, educated and motivated. Look for wellness retreats that include daily practices like yoga or meditation training. These will create sustainability for the balance you felt during your stay. Clinique La Prairie has a portfolio of programs that address all aspects of wellbeing, with an obvious focus on innovative medical wellbeing, but all programs are designed to create an environment of information, inspiration, and education. Our focus and passion has always been longevity, and that requires giving our guests access to more than just the sum total of their stay.
Creating holistic balance and wellness before the biggest day of your life has not only become more widely desired, but also more important.
What are the top tips for a pre-wedding glow?
Stress effects you in many different ways, including your skin. A pre-wedding retreat will not only create a stress free zone, but will also give you access to treatments and products that nurture you on a holistic level. Our Hollywood peel, for example, can significantly reduce pigmentation and pore size. It is also a great treatment to make sure your skin is smooth and toned. Botox and Hyaloronic Acid treatments like Mesotherapy are always a favorite for pre-weddings, as is micro-dermabrasion or oxygen treatments that include collagen masks. Of course, you need to drink lots of water, gets lots of sleep, but we cover practically everything else on our treatment menus. In terms of de-stressing, I would focus on yoga, meditation, or relaxing treatments like massage or Watsu. Don’t do any facials that are deep cleansing if your wedding is very close. Instead, focus more on facials that hydrate, plump and tone your skin. Focus on areas of your face that might show the effects of stress, like your eyes! You need to plan ahead, decide what you want to achieve, be mindful of the timing, and listen to our medical aesthetic doctor and beauty therapists.
What lifelong lessons will one learn at the retreat?
Retreats offer a sense of self-celebration and self-awareness. These are the building blocks of any path toward wellness. Hopefully your retreat will have given you tools with which to build on this, such as meditation techniques, or yoga classes. Different retreats offer different classes and lessons. At Clinique La Prairie, we have a retreat model that works perfectly with a modern, high-performance lifestyle, and our guests learn how to apply different components of wellness to their active lives.
Are new age brides more aware of their wellness needs?
There is a global increase in wellness awareness in general. This is directly connected to the increase of stress related activities like work, technology, and international travel. We live in a very different world than we did 30 or even 20 years ago, and the ease with which we now find ourselves unbalanced is correlated to our need to find spaces of rebalance. If you add the stresses of planning weddings on top of this, then of course you have an increase in bridal clients looking to find mental, physical and emotional serenity.
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