If you’ve found yourself staring down the barrel of done- and- dusted wedding trends, filled with nothing but aspirations to be innovative and different, then we’ve got your back. We have worked hard to create a platform that hand-picks the best in the business, scouting the most coveted frontrunners to become a ‘go-to’ journal for not only the bride and groom, but the entire bridal squad and all high-life aficionados. This inevitable next step in the Destination Wedding Planner Congress journey takes an indepth approach to the glamorous side of the luxury wedding industry – the elite ceremonies, the opulent fashion, and the lavish destinations and their unique décor, food and wellness offerings. With each digital post and bi-annual issue, we reveal the jewels in this season’ bridal crown – all perfectly bound in a must-have journal, that aims to connect partners and advertisers with select clientele, and enrich the reader culturally.
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