summer engagement gemstones

Stunning Spring-Summer Gemstones To Mark A New Milestone

Spring and summer are the happy seasons where the sun shines brighter, and the natural colors are in full bloom. Also, in these past few months, the season of love has been showered with so many beautiful moments, from unforgettable proposals to gorgeous wedding celebrations! With a season so cheerful, we think it’s only fair to match the vibrancy with stunning gemstones to mark a new milestone. So if you’re looking for an engagement or wedding ring that’s unique and embraces the free-spirited season, here are some statement stones to consider.


Citrine Charm


unique gemstone rings

Pictures Courtesy: @macky_u._jewellery


The Citrine is a stone that looks like it’s made for the summer. Its amber hue gives it a fun and playful look that embraces the spirit of the season, and the warm aura emanates a positive, cheerful vibe. With a name that reminds you of the warm summer, this eye-catcher of a gem sparkling in the sunlight makes for a unique ring to complement a radiant bride.


Aquamarine & Moonstone


moonstone engagement ring

Pictures Courtesy: @moonmagicjewelry


Shimmering like the clear blue sea, Aquamarine is a stunning gemstone that falls between the classic look of diamonds and a hint of modernity with a delicate blue. Irridescence that resonates with cool brilliance and serene charm, this stone fits perfectly for a breezy sunkissed style. Said to be a stone for new beginnings, the Moonstone is a unique gem that has stolen our hearts. It evokes sensuality and elegance, radiating distinct colors that leave you mesmerized.


Peridot, Gem of the Sun


peridot engagement ring

Pictures Courtesy: @fernandojorge & @suzannekalan


The golden-green color of the Peridot combines warm and cool tones, representing nature in full bloom during spring and summer. Also called the gem of the sun by Egyptians, you don’t need more of a reason to make this a favorite pick. So if you like rings of vivid green hue, this is the gem for you!


Mint Tourmaline


summer gemstones

Picture Courtesy: @praisewedding


The Mint Tourmaline are gemstones with pastel blue-green hues. This precious ring is a true rarity, featuring a mint-colored paraiba tourmaline paired with moonstones on the sides. Reflect nature’s gentle spirit with a modern ring different from the popular choice of diamonds and allow a fresh look to complement your style.


Morganite Magic


unique engagement gemstones

Pictures Courtesy: @anyedesigns


This delightful stone is truly a gem. The peach and blush hues give the stone an alluring beauty that strikes wonderfully against the sun’s soft rays to create a fun illusion. Between the dual tones, the Morganite is a fine statement piece that pairs well with light, pastel shades perfect for the spring/summer seasons.


Feature Image Credit: @praisewedding