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Metamorphosing From The Honeymoon Phase To Lasting Love: Here’s What To Do When The Rosy Period Is Over

Great relationships aren’t built in a day. Great relationships are built daily.

Ah, the honeymoon phase. Those early days in your relationship when all of their jokes are funny, other couples suck in comparison to you, and every song on the radio is about you. The length of the honeymoon phase is different for every relationship, but one thing is always true: it’s what you do after the honeymoon that counts.

As the name says- ‘it’s a phase.’ When the realities of life start to creep in, and hard conversations start to bubble to the surface, you’ll naturally transition out of the honeymoon phase and a feeling of sadness might sweep through. After all, no one wants to feel red-hot passion turn into a slow simmer. But the good news?  You’re not alone if you feel the post-honeymoon stage blues.